Written by La Rédaction


ICT University du Cameroun : Des Bourses Partielles au Bénéfice des Etudiants Francophones

L’administration de l’université des technologies de l’information et de la communication au Cameroun  annonce une fois de plus aux étudiants francophones qu’elle est sous bourse partielle.   C’est l’une des grandes annonces faite par l’administration de l’université des technologies de l’information et de la communication au Cameroun, plus connu comme l’ICT University of Cameroon. Cette […]

Health Society

6th International Conference on Family Planning to be hosted by Thailand

Major highlights of this upcoming event were granted to the press and scientific experts during a conference on November 12, 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.   The international conference on Family Planning(ICFP) to be held in Pattya city, Thailand will take place from February 1-4, 2021. This was disclosed in a press conference that took place […]

Environment Health Society

Ending Fistula to achieve the SDGs and ICPD Programme of Action

Zero Fistula : Nigeria and the West African region is the theme of a concurrent session that took place on November 13, 2019 at the Nairobi summit on ICPD25.   The one hour and thirty minutes’ session that regrouped health experts, government officials, researchers, civil society organisations and media practitioners was aimed at placing obstetric fistula […]