Contrary to ongoing threats and unhealthy comments, the Ngul Be Tara product of Dr Marlyse Paule Mbezele Peyou has been approved by Cameroon’s government and Nigeria’s national agency for food and drug administration and control (NAFDAC).

In order to tackle the covid-19 pandemic that has threaten lives worldwide, several scientists came-out with a number of solutions and responses that will help to save the population. In Cameroon, one of these discoveries revealed to the public was the healing potion of Dr Marlyse Paule Mbezele Peyou Ndi-Samba.
The healing COVID-19 potion coined in the ewondo dialet: “Ngul Be Tara”, meaning the power of ancestors is among the miraculous traditional potions which have save lives in Cameroon during the outbreak of the pandemic.
The astute scientist and biochemistry lecturer working with the faculty of medicine and biomedical sciences of the University of Yaounde I has so far brought hope in the lives of many who were affected by the pandemic and has made the pride of her home country, Cameroon.
With its positive records, government has approved the local sale of the Ngul Be Tara by granting a 5 year license to the team of Dr Marlyse Paule Mbezele Peyou. In a correspondence addressed to the leader of the RIRCO consortium on September 30, 2021, public health minister, Dr Manaouda Malachie officially informed that the Ngul Be Tara kit, the Netko, Binther and Immuno boost were approved on the market.
In Nigeria, esteem was granted earlier to the product of the biochemist. A four year license was granted to the RIRCO consortium by thenational agency for food and drug administration and control (NAFDAC).

Inspite of all these recognitions and approval, the indigenous coronavirus product has been degraded, and besides, grudges have been nursed against Dr Peyou, the brainbox behind the miraculous product. She has been on the grill for the past months.
On her part, Dr Marlyse Paule Peyou has in an open letter castigated all her detractors.
She said: “To the nutcases, destroyers, jealous, seekers of glory … I have already passed my knowledge on to several students who make the Ngul be Tara. So attack me, it won’t change that. We are many. I’m not in any political party, I don’t know how to play politics, I don’t know how to be a minister, I never told anyone that I want to be a minister, because I can make an impact in the laboratory. My dream is to have a laboratory as powerful as those in which I was trained in France and the United States of America. For those who wish to see me in Business, I say thank you for your trust. I beg you just to wish that laboratories which can manufacture antidotes, effective and safe vaccines or other powerful drugs are installed in all African Universities, worthy of the name, especially in all the departments of biochemistry. That all laboratories of all the technical sectors be equipped and maintained (…).”

Dr Peyou Marlyse Ndi, PHD holder in Biochemistry and Biophysics from Washington State University, USA and a Master II in Public Health from France’s université de Loraine, ESP de Nancy has challenged all her detractors to invent quality products for the well-being of the people instead of unfruitful fighting.
“For these destructive networks that employ our crazy apprentice negro brothers of traitorous house: we are waiting for you on the ground to see what you invent for African posterity!!! In return, we always hit back no matter how long it takes, and wherever the perpetrators are. It is a promise. For your guidance, half of the equipment that makes the Ngul be Tara was donated by an American university several years ago. The Ngul be Tara manufacturing team also includes people from many nations of the world including young Americans! The team is of course led by your humble Cameroonian servant that I am. In the meantime, Ngul be Tara, the powerful anticovid-19 continues to prevent and eradicate COVD-19 across the world, whatever the variant, whether vaccinated or not, Ngul be Tara does not discriminate, he helps every human being even enemies who consume it in secret. Jealousy has not yet devoured you. You will lose more than your sleep!” She added.

In a meantime, Dr Peyou and team have embarked on the project to plant at least a million fruit trees and medicinal plants by 2025, another challenge to improve traditional researches.
Registered in 2012 in Cameroon, Reece international Research consortium (RIRCO) works in close collaboration with key ministries.
Elise Kenimbeni