Honorable Agho Oliver Bamenju, young and active Member of Parliament for the Bafut-Tubah constituency in the North-West region paid an impromptu visit to the site and granted his modest support of FCFA 500.000.

Honorable Agho Oliver Bamenju, Member of Parliament for the Bafut-Tubah Constituency, in the Mezam division of the North West Region in Cameroon, paid on Saturday, April 6, 2024, an impromptu visit to the site earmarked for the Bafut-Manjong Hall in Yaounde.
The MP who is always preoccupied with the well-being of his population visited the site and spontaneously donated FCFA 500.000, to galvanize the project fund drive.
The young, energetic, and proactive MP did not only called on all Bafut sons and daughters to put hands on deck for the realization of the project but also promised to knock on more doors to enable the project to see the light of day.

Worthy to recall, Hon. Agho Oliver is one of the MPs known to be very close to his constituents in and out of his constituency, in all their endeavours, and also, in moments of joy or sorrow.
Honorable Agho Oliver’s largess and humane character are well appreciated.
The Bafut-Tubah MP has for instance, during the crisis in the region helped PSS Bafut students to seek refuge in PSS Bamenda. He followed them to the relocation site to assist those in need.

Also when the Bafut Community in Yaounde organized its cultural festival in December 2022, Hon Agho donated close to FCFA 3 million for its success.
Moreover, Honorable Agho Oliver is amongst the elites of the North-West region who are striving hard for the achievement of the Bambili Water Project, whose cost is estimated at FCFA 600 Million.
Despite the crisis that currently cripples the development of the region, the MP does not spare his energy, he works actively with government authorities, elites, fons, and the population for a return to normalcy.