
June 2022 Parliamentary Session: Priorities of the National Dev’t Strategy 30, Under the Spotlight

A plenary session dedicated to the implementation of the national development strategy 2020-2030 took place on Friday, June 10, 2022 at the national assembly.

As activities of the national assembly unfold at the just launched June 2022 ordinary session of parliament, Members of parliament gathered on June 10, 2022, at the Yaounde conference center where deliberations take place in order to thoroughly examine the implementation of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (NDS 30).

Minister of economy, planning and regional development, minister of forestry and wildlife, minister of environment, protection of nature and sustainable development as well as the minister of agriculture and rural development made presentations on key points of the NDS 30 during the plenary sitting chaired by Senior Deputy Speaker at the national assembly, Honourable Hilarion Etong.

Speaking on behalf of Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, president of the national assembly, Hilarion Etong outlined the importance of this strategic tool in boosting Cameroon’s economic growth.

He said the plenary session which is of crucial importance, will help evaluate the level of risks and mitigations in line with climate changes in order to pace up the achievement of the NDS 30.

As underscored by Minister delegate at the ministry of economy, planning and regional development, Paul Tasong, government intends to proceed with the structural transformation of the Cameroonian economy.

“It seeks to make real and profound changes in the productive, industrial, financial, administrative, social and environmental structure, in order to promote strong economic growth, shared prosperity, endogenous and inclusive development, while preserving resources for future generations in a world where the threats linked to climate change are critical.” Minister Paul Tasong said.

He added that, government has undertaken moves to counter threats that could emerge from climate changes in strict compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement(COP21) and the determined national contribution. He coined out various projects which have been set up in line with climatic changes such as the Viva Logone, Viva Benoue as well as the Karam project. Not leaving aside other key projects like the PADY in cities like Yaounde and Douala and even Limbe.

On his part, Helé Pierre, minister of environment, nature protection and sustainable development has laid down the stakes and challenges of the NDS 30 with regards to his ministerial department.

Minister Hele Pierre said Cameroon is facing serious challenges from emission of gazes, deforestation and other climatic effects which ought to be taken into account for an effective and successful implementation of the NDS30.

Worthy to note, the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 is based on the lessons learned from the implementation of the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (GESP), which it takes over until 2030, with a view to achieving the following objectives of Vision 2035, which aims to make Cameroon “an emerging country, democratic and united in its diversity.”

The NDS30 is the result of a broad consultative process with the involvement and participation of the various development actors and grassroots populations. It also takes into account the recommendations of the Great National Dialogue (GDN) convened by the Head of State, in which the various components of the national community actively participated. This was done in a shared desire to find definitive solutions to the various crises that have shaken the country, particularly in the North-West and South-West Regions. More structurally, this new strategy integrates the need for greater social cohesion, so that the fruits of growth benefit all Cameroonians as the result of a collective effort, in a spirit of national solidarity.

After series of questions from MPs and answers from the different ministers convened, the plenary sitting closed-up with a word from Deputy speaker, Honourable Mary Muyali Boya Meboka.

Elise Kenimbeni

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