
Cameroon:new prospects in the telecommunication sector

The Ministry of posts and telecommunications togetther with the national institute of statistics have signed this 14th January 2016, a technical assistance convention.


A new convention to enrich the numerous ones signed before by the ministry of posts and telecommunications has seen the daylight. The convention is aimed at putting at the disposal of the ministry viable information furnished by the national institute of statistics.
According to the General Manager of the said institute, Joseph Tedou the new convention is out to help the ministry with data needed to appreciate its performances, help the public and attract potential investors in the telecommunication sector. Moreover, the accord is a sign to the development which is praised by the Head of state.
He said the convention which is not in its first phase has been signed in other ministries and national institutions in order to capitalise good information in their respective sectors. Joseph
Tedou reassured the minister of posts and telecommunications to satisfy the exigencies that will be needed as the convention takes off and to follow the daedline of its execution.
Speaking at her turn, Minister Minette Libong Li Likeng said the new convention is warmly welcomed as it will enhance a good number of issues in this sector which she described as very important.Time is at developing new strategies to attract foreign investors. For one to invest in Cameroon’s telecommunication sector he must have a guarantee of all updates and these updates can be transmitted by the statistics that will produce the national institute of statistics. She added the fact that :
« The government needs to have good information, what are the realities on the field ? This can be done through institutions like the national institute of statistics which have the experience in the domain of data collection».
The convention which is therefore underway is expected to produce fruitful results as outlined by the Minister and might in six months time be evaluated.

By Elise Kenimbeni

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