A two-day national forum to fight against the proliferation of small arms and light weapons has been launched on June 21, 2022 at the national assembly in Yaounde.

Members of parliament have been convened for a two-day national forum on the fight against the proliferation of small arms and light weapons. The forum organized by the parliamentary network on small arms was placed under the theme: “Connecting the dots: Enhancing Implementation of the Women, Peace & Security, UN POA and 2030 Agendas – through increased parliamentary engagement and action in international processes.”

In order to push discussions forward at the regional and continental levels, members of parliament from Cameroon received during this forum their peers from other countries like Tanzania and Niger.
Secretary General for the global Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons, Mr. Karin Olofsson, used the rostrum of the lower house of parliament to highlight the negative effects of this scourge described as a mere threat to human security, social and economic development.
It was stated that, more than 1 billion small arms and light weapons are in circulation worldwide. And added that, 85% are in the hands of civilians, causing the death of approximately 223,300 people every year. A survey conducted by the small arms and light weapons’ office.

Moreover, the different crises witnessed worldwide and which are a great threat to the lives of citizens or populations are due to the fact that SALW proliferate.
Speaking at the opening session of this forum, Cameroon’s president for the parliamentary network on small arms, Honorable Ali Salihou said lawmakers are crucial actors for the prevention of uncontrolled small arms and its proliferation at the national, regional and international levels.

The forum equally acted as an open space to moot strategies that will help tackle the scourge, a given opportunity for exchange of best practices between the various countries with regards to the presence of foreign MPs.
Elise Kenimbeni