Accused for state funds embezzlement, Roger Ntongo Onguene and co-accused have been slammed sentences by the special criminal court on Friday 23 October 2015.


The long awaited verdict of former General Manager of Cameroon’s airports company known as Adc in its French acronym was ruled on October 23, 2015 at about 5:30pm. Roger Ntongo Onguene was slammed thirty years of jail and has to pay alongside his co-accused a fine of 1 Billion 142 Million CFA francs.

After been slammed twenty years of prison, the former Adc boss was granted another thirty years sentence, his closest collaborator Marthe Endalé who is on run takes a life sentence. Jean Kere and Eliane Bisso other co-accused were given jail terms of five and ten years each respectively. As concerns the former director of financial affairs, Christophe Bengono greatly cited in this embezzlement case, he was acquitted by judges of the criminal court.

The court case that has been delayed since the arrest and imprisonment of Roger Ntongo Onguene and collaborators in January 2010 has been shut by the special criminal tribunal.

Roger Ntongo Onguene, former General Manager of Adc till June 2009 when he was sacked is accused of state funds embezzlement from 2003 to 2007 during his era at this national company.

By Elise Kenimbeni

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