Samuel Dieudonné Ivaha Diboua was appointed by presidential decree on October 23, 2015. He replaces to this post Joseph Beti Assomo now Minister Delegate at the presidency in charge of defense.
Well known for his administration of the East region where he spent some three years, Samuel Dieudonné Ivaha Diboua has been confided the crucial Littoral region.
Another hard task in the hands of the Civil Administrator who has to lead the numerous challenges of this economic part of Cameroon. Ivaha Diboua upon the seven governors on the list appeared to be the man of the situation due to his experience and managerial tact. Pioneer governors such as Abakar Ahamat and Jules Marcelin Ndjaga of the Adamawa and South regions respectively who went on retirement favoured the nomination of the 53 years old governor.
The right man at the right place?
The numerous situations to which has been faced the Civil Administrator could be one of the issues that struck the Head of State while appointing him. Central African crisis notably with repeated attacks from rebels and influx of refugees could not be undermined if one has to retraced the long career of Samuel Dieudonné Ivaha Diboua.
Ivaha Diboua, upon several years has worked on the field with experienced men. He has known a long path after his outing in 1989 from the National advanced school of administration and magistracy (Enam). He begins his career as head of cabinet number 2 of the governor’s services of former Littoral province. Samuel Ivaha therefore flows into the stream of senior divisional offices in some remote areas of the country. He makes a round as divisional officer of Douala IV, Nkongsamaba and Yaounde VI after been appointed as senior divisional officer for the Nkam, Mbam and Inoubou and Upper Nkam.
It is through this long experience acquired on the field that Ivaha Diboua Samuel is projected to the post of governor of the West region in February 2010. In March 2012, he is appointed governor of the famous East region.
Immediate challenges
As the new Littoral region boss takes over duties, he is among others expected to continue the work left by his predecessor Joseph Beti Assomo.
Supervision of giant projects such as the Dangote cement firm, ongoing construction works of the second bridge on the wouri, rehabilitation works of the Douala stadium and insecurity issues are the main tasks of Ivaha Diboua.
By Elise Kenimbeni