Young female entrepreneur, Jeanine Chancelle BANADJI NGAMBE, who is the Manager of the brand “New Puzzle” in a local company specialized in interior decoration, food processing, and services took an active part in the recently held 6th edition of APIC (Ateliers préalables à l’installation au Cameroun) supported by the leading mobile enterprise, MTN Cameroon.

Why did you decide to take part in this project?
As any young company that wants to launch and go to the market, you need to know what to do. After all, setting up a business is all well and good, but making it a success is even better. So, when we come to APIC, it’s precisely to get the tools we need to do everything legal and regulatory, as well as the tools we need to be present, to perpetuate and optimize our presence on the market.
How did you find this MTN Cameroon training?
This training, sponsored by MTNC, is very interesting because, as a young company, you go in without knowing where you’re going, and very often you stumble and fall because you don’t have the necessary tools, information, or approach.
At APIC, we’re taught everything we need to know: the process, the information, which door to knock on…and all that’s very important. If you don’t have the information you need, you’re bound to fall. You can’t move forward like that. So, the APICs sponsored by MTNC are a real godsend for start-ups and those with projects in the pipeline.
How will this training help you realize or boost your project?
This is already the step you need to take to be in the normal, legal way. On top of that, you’re given the tools you need to enter the market, to grow in the market. That’s what it’s all about creation, presence, growth, and development. And then, why not export?
All these are assets that APIC, with the support of its partner MTNC, gives us.