The National Assembly has been managed effectively and efficiently for a long time now under the distinguished leadership of the Right Honourable, Speaker, Cavaye Yeguie Djibril.
The political mission of the Institution which is to legislate and control Government actions has been majestically accomplished by the man whom President Paul Biya has always trusted without batting an eyelid, the Speaker of the House. Cavaye Yeguie Djibril has thus earned the admiration of the public around the world as the longest serving legislator. This unique position in the world’s roster of legislators has undoubtedly made him an encyclopedia in every respect.
The attributes he is credited with are enough to say that he is in complete control of his mission and cannot be manipulated by anyone, not even his nephew Boukar Abdourahim who has learned and continues to learn from his icon, father and champion, Cavaye Yeguie Djibril. The Rt. Honourable Speaker is in great shape having just finished the June Parliamentary Session, of which he chaired almost all the plenary sittings. He has just led his community to the celebration of the Feast of the Ram with much fanfare. The Rt. Hon. Speaker has always been a victim of negative propaganda from those who covet his position and those who envy his direct collaborators, but he has withstood the test of time because of his mastery of his political missions and his unconditional loyalty to the Head of State, President Paul Biya. This has permitted him to have his head above the waters for a very long time now.

It is certain that a leader cannot function in isolation. It is also known that the success of a leader depends on those with whom he chooses to work with. It is on this basis that Boukar Abdourahim, the current Director of the Speaker’s Office has attracted witches and evildoers behind him because of his poise, his zeal and his passion to get things done well. The ongoing jealousy against him which has turned into a witch hunt today is due to the fact that Boukar Abdourahim has closed the door on those who manipulate the Speaker for their selfish gains. This discreet and talented man does not need to forge or scan the Speaker’s signature to recruit or appoint people to the National Assembly.
Why would he engage in such a fraudulent act when his main function is to organize the administrative functioning of the National Assembly in collaboration with the Secretary General ? Narrow-minded people who do not know what to say about the Director of Cabinet should understand that his function allows him to make proposals for appointments and recruitments to the Speaker whenever the need arises. Troublemakers and cowards who want to hold the Speaker hostage have also said things that have nothing to do with the way the Speaker manages his administrative affairs. Mr. Boukar Abdourahim is the longest serving Director of Cabinet of the Rt. Hon. Speaker base on his competence and unique manner of doing things.
The information published by the enemies of peace concerning the mother of the Director of Cabinet whom they claimed went to beg the Speaker of the National Assembly to keep her son in office is totally false and unfounded. The name of the Cameroon Tribune journalist they used to support their diabolical plot to sabotage Mr. Boukar Abdourahim does not even exist among Cameroon Tribune journalists in the North or elsewhere in the country.
In this regard, it is impossible that the nonsensical articles that were published about the Speaker and his Director of Cabinet be attributed to a Cameroon Tribune journalist whom they ignorantly called a Sopecam journalist instead of Cameroon Tribune. We know that in the political world, some people need to denigrate others in order to grow but let’s learn to tell the truth about the wrongs of others rather than fabricate lies that make the authors stupid, desperate and narrow-minded.
Celcor National Assembly, Ekema Likine Emmanuel