The Directorate General of Budget held an extraordinary meeting of the national staff association on Saturday, February 1st, 2025, at the Yaounde conference center.
Over a thousand staff of the directorate general of budget took part in the extraordinary meeting of their staff association, which was organized on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at the Yaounde conference center.
As indicated by the organization committee, this conclave comes 18 months after the first meeting to put in place a mutual support network within the Directorate General of Budget.
In her welcoming address, the acting chairman of the board of directors, Judith Clairance Menguele epse Bodo said this extraordinary meeting had been prepared months ago to set the pace for a dynamic and vibrant staff association.
“Indeed, in eighteen (18) months, we have held four (04) sessions of the Board of Directors. In a studious and friendly climate, the mutual budgets were regularly approved, as well as their respective management accounts. The new visuals and new basic texts were also discussed and adopted in the first instance by the Board of Directors. The said texts, which will be the subject of a specific point during this session, have in their content, set the scene for a futuristic mutual society. Of course, we will come back to this when the time comes, but the circumstance makes me feel a little compelled to reveal that the texts in force constitute, in all respects, an obstacle to the modernization of our mutual…” She said.
On his part, the Director General of Budget, Cyril Edou Alo’o took the floor to praise the multiple efforts undertaken by his collaborators over the past months to organize this together.
Dr. Edou Alo’o expressed his esteem for human resources and said that putting in place a national staff association will help boost several objectives inscribed in the budget program.
He said: “I want to inform you that this wish remains constant because, for me, human resources are at the center of development and must always be valued. The Mutual, our Mutual, is the best tool for promoting the staff working daily to achieve the objectives assigned to program 034 “Budget Management”. You have certainly not forgotten the fact that, when it comes to human resources management, the ministerial vision is to promote the well-being of its staff to improve their administrative performance. It is in this wake that we are in the process of adopting the following motto for our national staff association: “Our strength in our Professionalism”.
He added: “…The world is changing, societies are evolving, and organizations are dynamic, that is why our mutual must adapt to the new context, it must adjust by opening up to other structures directly involved in budgetary life. It must equip itself with modern management tools.”
Before the voting session proper, the staff present at the conclave highlighted the previous actions undertaken by the outgoing leading team of the mutual network.
The balance sheet presented by the Executive Director of the National Staff Association, Mrs. Goma Flore gave a clear view of the actions carried so far, that is from July 2023 to January 2025.
Following the final results of the voting session within the various commissions created in the National Staff Association, the commission in charge of control is led by Francois Xavier Bekolo while the newly elected Director of the committee in charge of the management of the national staff association is Mrs. Goma Flore.
Elise Kenimbeni