

Cameroon’s Science Journalists Moot Strategies to Combat Covid-19

The association of scientific journalists and communicators for the promotion of health in Cameroon known in its French acronym as AJC-PROSANTE has made key recommendations to the government in a bid to help and scale up the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. This came to light during a press conference held on Wednesday 17th March […]


High Council of Cameroonians Abroad Donates 5000 Dollars Check to Fight Against Covid-19

As the fight against the novel coronavirus keeps intensifying worldwide, governments, non-governmental organizations, associations and community groups have multiplied strategies that can help to tackle the pandemic. It is the case of the high council of Cameroonians abroad (HCCA), American branch who handed over a 5000 Dollars’ check to the Cameroonian Ambassador in the United […]


Lutte Contre la COVID-19 : Christophe Guilhou Visite le Centre Pasteur du Cameroun

L’ambassadeur de France au Cameroun, Christophe Guilhou a effectué une visite de travail au centre pasteur du Cameroun ce 14 juillet 2020 à Yaoundé. Très honorée de la visite de l’ambassadeur de France au Cameroun qui en plein 14 juillet a décidé de faire une descente de terrain afin de s’assurer de la décentralisation des […]


Famine et Malnutrition en Afrique : La Menace qui vient du Covid-19 !

Le HCR et le PAM dans un communiqué conjoint attirent l’attention sur le fait que les réfugiés en Afrique sont menacés par la faim et la malnutrition en raison de l’aggravation des pénuries alimentaires causées par la crise de Covid-19. Dans un communiqué parvenu à notre rédaction, le HCR, l’agence des Nations Unies pour les […]


COVID-19 : Le MINJEC Riposte de l’Intérieur !

Des appuis aux structures opérationnelles déconcentrées et rattachées du Ministère de la jeunesse et de l’éducation civique ont été remis le 24 juin 2020 à Yaoundé. C’est le centre multifonctionnel de promotion des jeunes (Cmpj) de référence de Yaoundé-Madagascar qui a abrité cette cérémonie officielle de remise des kits de sensibilisation et de protection contre […]


Fight Against COVID-19: CAMASEJ Donates to CHRAPA

The Centre for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy(Chrapa) played hosts to many CAMASEJ activities few years back and is still a trustworthy partner of the Media family in the North West. Reason why the Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists (CAMASEJ) deemed it necessary for them to be amongst the structures to benefit from the […]


COVID-19 : Honorable Damdam Marie au chevet des populations du Diamaré

Une cérémonie de remise des dons pour lutter contre le COVID-19 s’est tenue ce 20 Avril 2020 à Maroua, région de l’Extrême-Nord Cameroun.   « Evitons le COVID-19 » C’est le message porté à travers les dons distribués aux populations de Maroua I, II, III et de Dargala dans le département du Diamaré. 2000 sceaux simples et […]


COVID-19 : Social Affairs’ Minister Strives for Massive Relocation of Street Children in Cameroon

The Ministry of social affairs has withdrawn about 82 children from the streets of the Cameroonian capital, Yaounde.   The move is part of a pilot operation launched on April 1, 2020 and aimed at relocating the children to the Listening and Transit Center of Yaounde, where they would enjoy a minimum daily care and […]


Cameroon : Youth Affairs’ Minister Ushers Campaign Teams In COVID-19 Field Sensitization

Preaching by the good example as Head of the ministry of youth affairs and civic education, Mounouna Foutsou, laid grounds for the nationwide civic education campaign against the pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19). The field sensitization launched officially on March 25, 2020 by Minister Mounouna Foutsou took place in three phases. The first phase and stop-over was […]


Legendary Cameroonian Saxophonist, Manu Dibango dies of Coronavirus

Manu Dibango 86, has succumbed to the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19). The death of the cameroonian artist musician was announced this March 24, on his official facebook page by his family. « It is with deep sadness that we announce you the loss of Manu Dibango, our Papy Groove, who passed away on 24th March 2020 […]