Itoh Beryl Ikombe Panje Officially Commissioned as New Secretary General of MINAS
Appointed by presidential decree on June 30, 2020, the new Secretary General of the ministry of social affairs, Itoh Beryl Ikombe Panje was officially installed on Friday 17th July 2020 in Yaounde-Cameroon by Minister Pauline Irène Nguene. In her keynote address, the minister of social affairs Pauline Irène Nguene, in the first place praised Dr Aboutou Rosalie Louise for her devotion and engagement as secretary general with whom she worked for close to 9 years. “I would then like to take the opportunity offered to me today to express my personal gratitude and that of the Government to Doctor ABOUTOU Rosalie Louise, outgoing Secretary General, for the work accomplished at the Ministry of Social Affairs from 2012 to 2020, with professionalism, dedication and loyalty. In this regard, I sincerely thank her for her frank collaboration and wish her good luck in the new tasks that she will be called upon to exercise” She said. Pauline Irène Nguene later on welcomed the newly appointed Secretary General. She seized this opportunity to outline all the duties assigned to Mrs Panje Itoh Ikombe Beryl. She said as the minister’s main collaborator, the Secretary General is endorsed to certain responsibilities that help in the smooth functioning of the ministry. “As the Minister’s main collaborator, you must: ensure the consistency of ministerial action by ensuring administrative coordination between central and decentralized services and the technical operational units; ensure the permanent training of staff; ensure speed in the processing of files; ensure the best archiving of documents; ensure that the performance objectives of the programs constitute the main compass of the activities carried out within the ministry of social affairs…” The minister equally drew the attention of the newly installed secretary General on the various stakes and challenges related to the seven years of great opportunities’ programme set up by the Head of State, Paul Biya. And on the other side, she challenged her new collaborator to fight against inertia and other attitudes which could be a hinderance to the achievement of her duties. The newly commissioned Secretary General according to information gotten, has a good knowledge and background of the task assigned to her. Born on April 22, 1971 in Ekondo Titi, South West region of the country, the senior inspector of social affairs and educationist appointed has occupied several posts in the public administration. Looking at her professional career, she was before her appointment, the regional delegate of the ministry of women’s empowerment and the family for the South West region. In 2000, she did an internship at the by then provincial delegation of social affairs in Buea, South West region. From 2002 to 2003, she worked as a support staff at the directorate of national solidarity in the ministry of social affairs. From 2003 to 2004, she became the chief of service in charge of social interventions at the national center for the rehabilitation of persons living with disabilities in Yaounde. Yet, since 2004, she has served as the divisional delegate of the ministry of women’s empowerment and the family for the Ndian and Kupe Muanenguba divisions in the South West region. Mrs Panje Itoh Beryl Ikombe is a pure product of the Ahmadou Bello University in Nigeria where she schooled from 1993 to 1998 and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in political science arts and education. And of the national school of administration and magistracy (ENAM) in 1999. The installation that took place at the Red Cross hall of Yaounde was spiced up by the donation of gifts and dances from some cultural groups. Elise Kenimbeni
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