On Thursday, December 9, 2021, the network of women parliamentarians has organized on the sidelines of the November ordinary session of parliament, its constitutive general assembly. The session chaired by Honourable Laurentine Koa Mfegue epse Mbede, president and by the way eldest member of parliament.
The female Members of parliament gathered in one of the meetings’ hall of the lower house of parliament in order to review all legal documents that make up their network and fill in the gaps as well as put in place an action plan for 2022.
Talking to media practitioners, special adviser of the network, Honourable Mary Muyali Boya epse Meboka said the network of women parliamentarians has decided to engage as mothers in order to solve the problems of women and to be advocate for the populations of Cameroon.

“We are not only looking at women issues but we are also looking at the issues that worry the populations of the country and as women we put ourselves together to make sure that we advocate for problem solving…” She said.
Honourable Mariam Ngoni added that, female parliamentarians have been urged to launch activities due to the various happenings that have been affecting the country, and they as women feel the pains and are more than ever worried.
The network created during the June 2020 ordinary session of parliament is trying by all means to speed up some crucial activities that will enhance the well6being of women, girls and the population in general.
Worthy to note, despite some progresses registered, the number of women in elected office remains quite low. From records of the 2019 municipal and legislative elections, Cameroon has 26 female senators out of 100 and 61 women in the national assembly out of 180.
Elise Kenimbeni