The second ordinary session for the 10th legislative period dropped curtains on Wednesday 6th July 2022 in Yaounde, Cameroon with several government officials attending the closing ceremony chaired by Right Honourable, Cavaye Yeguie Djibril.

Speaking at the National Assembly during the closing ceremony that brought together several government officials among who was the Prime Minister, Head of government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute, Representatives of diplomatic corps and international organizations, the President of the lower chamber reviewed step by step some major highlights of the just ended June 2022 ordinary session.
Right Honourable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril said after 30 days of intensive work and discussions at the National Assembly, MPs scrutinized and passed 7 bills in total and had three general plenary sittings dedicated to questions and answers to members of the government.
He lauded the efforts of MPs who worked hard during the June Ordinary session and crowned the Prime Minister who recently paid an inspection visit to the construction site of the new edifice of the National Assembly carried out by the People’s Republic of China.

The House Speaker in his address gave thanks to the Head of State who sort out the problem of teachers, permitting a calm and serene atmosphere during end-of-year examinations.
“I would like to avail myself of the opportunity afforded by this plenary sitting to note with satisfaction that the 2022 sessions of different official end-of-course examinations have been conducted in a calm and serene atmosphere throughout the national territory. This, it must be acknowledged, was made possible through the personal involvement of the Head of state, His Excellency Paul Biya, and by virtue of the appropriate measures he took in response to teachers’ demands and for normalcy to return to the education sector…”

The security challenges faced by Cameroon in various parts of the country was not left aside once more. House Speaker said despite the growing efforts of administrative authorities and defence forces to restore peace in give parts of the country, people have to remain alerted and be vigilant.
He told MPs when back home in their respective constituencies, to urge populations on security threats and also to keep contributing in the restoration of peace by denouncing terrorists and rebels as it is the case with vigilante groups.
“As you return to your constituencies, I would like to urge you to pursue more than ever before, the task of raising awareness on the need to stay alert, report and furnish information that is necessary to fish out terrorists, rebels and other highway bandits…” He said.
After the closing ceremony MPs reacted in order to assess the 30 days’ session.
CDU’s MP, Koupit Adamou said the just ended session could be described as very intense because of the numerous projects or bills brought forward for scrutiny.

Honourable Koupit Adamou deplored however the session dedicated to the budgetary orientation debate which to them was not fair and the fact that the voices of MPs from the opposition were booted out as well as recommendations always made were not taken into account.
Among the bills scrutinized and adopted, MPs have praised the bill on Medically Assisted Reproduction, MAR which to them gives a chance to women facing reproductive challenges to give birth. Lawmakers say the initiative set in place by the government is laudable.

Speaker of the National Assembly, Right Honourable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril was granted an award for peace convention by Frederich Ebert Foundation together with the Network of parliamentarians for peace.
Elise Kenimbeni