A two-day workshop aimed at upgrading the skills of trainers of the PAMEC II civil status registry in Cameroon took place from April 13 to 14, 2023 in Douala.

As part of activities of the Support Program for the Modernization of Cameroon’s Civil Status Registry known as PAMEC II in its French acronym, a two-day workshop aimed at training a pool of trainers was organized in Douala from April 13 to 14, 2023.
This workshop focused on training trainers identified by the PAMEC and the BUNEC based on a series of modules. Among these modules, there was an initiation to the computer tool and the use of civil registration software.

The objective is to train the identified pool of trainers (from ST-Digital and BUNEC) on the common standard, approach, methodology, and best practices to conduct a training session in IT capacity building for staff registry and other actors involved in the civil registration system At the end of this training, the trainers from the 4 pilot regions of the project were equipped by NASLA and AMBERO-NLD Experts on the various andragogic tools specific to the IT modules.

Co-financed by the Korean cooperation KOICA, the digitization component was launched in September 2022 by the Minister of Decentralization and Local Development (MINDDEVEL) with the main objective of digitizing civil status in 20 pilot municipalities, particularly in the regions North, West, Southwest, and South.