The June 2022 ordinary session officially opened with salient issues disclosed by Cameroon’s speaker at the national assembly, Cavaye Yeguie Djibril.

Members of parliament have resumed duties officially on June 7, 2022, during the official opening ceremony of the June ordinary session.
The session chaired by Right Honourable, Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, as usual gathered government officials, diplomatic corps and other key authorities in Cameroon.
Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, speaker of the national assembly in his opening speech highlighted key issues that affect both the political, economic and social aspects of the country.
In his introductory remarks, the President of the national assembly castigated misguided information brought-out by foreign reporters, concerning the recent visit of the presidential couple in Geneva, Switzerland. In a bitter attitude Honourable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril called on Cameroonians to avoid been distracted by such baseless and offensive allegations.
As underscored in his speech, the June ordinary session is beginning in the aftermath of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Cameroon’s unitary state on 20th May 2022, a historic day for our country. He praised the massive mobilization observed nationwide during festivities of the 20th May which celebrations resumed after two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic that erupted in 2019. He added that, the massive mobilization witnessed nationwide is a proof of the unflinching attachment of Cameroonians to the unity of their nation.
While addressing MPs and different officials, Honourable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril stepped-up to talk of one major and crucial point affecting the daily lives of citizens in some regions of the country. The speaker acknowledged the moves of government in pursuing social dialogue, yet encouraged for more efforts in order to bring the current crises in Cameroon at heels.

He said: “The national assembly is, through the voice of your humble servant, extending its words of encouragement and expressing its full support to government’s policy option on social dialogue and to stakeholders in social dialogue as well. I wish to also decry the ills that tend to undermine the proper functioning of our ministries. Some of the ills are administrative red tape, corruption or lack of professional consciousness by some state employees…”
Right Honourable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril seized the opportunity granted to sympathize with secondary school teachers who were recently trapped into squabbles and castigated in return the fact that some people use such situations for political ends and also create clandestine teachers’ trade unions.
“Accordingly, the national assembly entirely and unreservedly subscribes to government’s instructions to governors, divisional officers and sub divisional officers in all 10 regions to use all the means in their power to checkmate the activities of clandestine teachers ‘union. The rule of law must be upheld.” The president of the lower house of parliament said.
As usual, the president of the national assembly in his key words saluted the efforts undertaken by security forces in order to restore peace and the liberation of Senator Mrs. Regina Mundi who was abducted by separatists in the North-West region.
Just like other sessions of the year, MPs will have a tight agenda during the June 2022 ordinary session notably with a series of bills to be tabled and adopted.
Elise Kenimbeni