Close to 20 female journalists from the Center, South, East and West regional chapters of the Cameroon Journalists Trade Union, CJTU were trained in a two-day workshop that took place in Yaounde.

Under the banner of the Cameroon Journalists Trade Union, CJTU and thanks to the financial support of the Norwegian Union of Journalists, the workshop scheduled from January 28 to 29, 2023 in Yaounde, Cameroon’s nation capital gathered some 20 female journalists and focused on the theme: “Security and Equality of female journalists.”
The female media workers who came from the Center, East, West and South regions of the country were selected based on their active participation in their various chapters so as to henceforth be flagship bearers of the trainings received and to transmit them to other members of the trade union.
The different participants were trained and granted tips that will be of great importance when exercising their job on the field.
Marion Obam acting national president of CJTU, member of the African Federation of journalist as well as international federation of journalist, in her opening words called on all female media workers to be fully engaged in addressing issues surrounding Gender and to be committed in achieving their profession.
“In journalism, there are no subjects reserved for men and others for women. A journalist is apt in treating all subjects that are worthy for the audience.” Marion Obam said.

While addressing issues of equality and equity she said women have the same rights as the men in newsrooms. She equally challenged the female participant to work in order to grab importance positions in newsrooms.
The session was an occasion to show how visuals and drawings can be used to train other young peers in the trade union.
The national president of CJTU, Marion Obam went further to talk of tips that should be used in abid to render a training session more attractive and incisive.
On the other part, skilled and experienced journalist, Carole Guysso who was one trainers of this session talked of violence and sexual harassment both in and out of newsrooms. This part of the session which was enriching gave root to sharing of experiences and best practices.
What or how can a female journalist do/ react when she is constantly harassed by her colleague, her boss or a source? Such questions were highlighted and through exchanges, participants had an in-depth approach on how to behave in such cases.
Carole Guysso said a journalist should have assurance but to an extent. When he or she is too sure, at times this has serious repercussions in his or her duties.

The female trainer working for Douala based Balafon radio and television also outlined the rights of a journalist.
She cited Article 19 of the universal declaration on Human Rights, United Nations’ international Pact which act as guiding books for a media practitioner.
As concerns associations and trade unions such as CJTU said stress on the fact that, they are bound to train their members on the Universal declaration on Human Rights and other relevant existing rights and code of conduct.
The practical phase of the training permitted to all participants to work on a story that could help impact their profession in a positive side.
The two groups divided and supervised by Marion Obam and Carole Guysso worked on various communication tools to use in the course of an elective campaign and on how to prepare an interview that will be addressed to a chief of war.
Participants were also given some security tips to use while on risky fields and how to work in a professional way.
Pascal Celessa Moodzwe, young female journalist from the locality of Mbouda in the Bamboutoss division of the West region has praised the quality of the trainings received during the workshop and has promised to organize a session with the regional chapter in order to share.

In the same vein, Louise Marie Pascale Kounou, a committed journalist from the East region who believes the trainings will help address some barriers female media practitioners face daily in the course of their duties.
The different participants assured the trainers to be more committed thanks to all the notions acquired and which will be transmitted in their regional chapters in due time.
End of course certificates were handed-over to all the female participants. And the next session as indicated by Madame Obam will hold with journalists from the North-West, Adamawa, North and Far-North regions.

Elise Kenimbeni