World leaders present at this cometogether have expressed strong support for the ILO as it marks its 100th anniversary at the Centenary International Labour Conference.

The 108th International Labour Conference takes place from the 10th to the 21st of June 2019 at the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. This high-level meeting is placed under the theme: “Advancing Social Justice, Promoting Decent Work”.

This annual Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) is special because it is taking place at the time ILO celebrates its 100th year of existence. This year, 5,000 delegates representing the 187 member countries of the ILO will focus their reflections on ongoing in-depth transformations in the world of work and propose solutions to challenges faced.

The Cameroonian Tripartite Delegation at this 108th International Labour Conference is led by the Minister of Labour and Social security, Gregoire OWONA, who will, during this important meeting, present progress made by Cameroon in the areas of decent Work, social Justice and lasting Peace.

This year’s ILC seeks to address the challenges presented by the profound transformations in the world of work, and could adopt a landmark ILO Centenary Declaration focused on a human-centered approach to the future of work. The more than 5,700 delegates – representing governments, workers and employers – will also discuss a possible standard on preventing violence and harassment at the workplace.


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