High Council of Cameroonians Abroad Donates 5000 Dollars Check to Fight Against Covid-19

High Council of Cameroonians Abroad Donates 5000 Dollars Check to Fight Against Covid-19

As the fight against the novel coronavirus keeps intensifying worldwide, governments, non-governmental organizations, associations and community groups have multiplied strategies that can help to tackle the pandemic. It is the case of the high council of Cameroonians abroad (HCCA), American branch who handed over a 5000 Dollars’ check to the Cameroonian Ambassador in the United States. Ambassador Henri Etoundi Essomba, representative of Cameroon’s Head of State in the United States of America played host on July 24, 2020 to the delegation of HCCA led by its president, Dr Samuel Dongmo alongside Dr Richard Mbakop and Marilyn Bekima, vice president and secretary general of this association respectively. Couple to the check worth 5000 Dollars, the high council of Cameroonians abroad donated a packet of 250 face masks to be used by the staff of the embassy. According to the secretary general of the HCCA, this gesture enters within the framework of the Diaspora’s response campaign against coronavirus (Covid-19). Marilyn Bekima said: “The Ambassador was impressed and said we were the first to donate funds for such an initiative. He said he was happy to know that there was a group of Cameroonians in the United States that he could count on. We presented him the High Council and he promised to schedule a technical working session with us when social distancing restrictions will be lifted. A list of all contributors was equally given with the check”                As indicated by its founding members, the High Council of Cameroonians Abroad (HCCA) created on the 22nd of May 2019, is the umbrella organization of the Cameroonian Diaspora in the world. It is intended to be a federating structure of organizations of Cameroonians living abroad with an advisory body of an associative, non-political, secular, non-discriminatory, and non-profit nature. The HCCA Global is governed by the Law n ° 90/053 of December 19, 1990 on freedom of association in Cameroon. Founded by the Diaspora in order to fulfil the aspirations of Cameroonians living around the world, this association has been very active and has engaged itself on issues affecting young people in the country and abroad as well as intervening in the Anglophone crisis rocking the North West and South West regions of Cameroon. In the same line, the HCCA has been working equally with the Cameroon association of victims of ambazonia terrorism (CAVAT).     Elise Kenimbeni

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 Journalists and Statisticians Upgrade Skills on Production of Inserts and Data Visualization

Journalists and Statisticians Upgrade Skills on Production of Inserts and Data Visualization

The two day training workshop aimed at sharpening the skills of Gender data journalists and statisticians in Yaounde, Cameroon was focused on the production of statistical inserts and data visualization. Organized on the 7th and 8th July 2020, the workshop was initiated by the Gender Data Journalists’ Network (GDJN) alongside the ministry of women’s empowerment and the family, the national institute of statistics, the Central bureau of census and population studies known in its french acronym as BUCREP and with the technical and financial support of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWOMEN), under the banner of the project Women Count. According to Emmanuel Batake, coordinator of the Gender Data journalists’ network, the training session is an added value in the work of journalists specialized in this domain. He outlined the fact that, most of the time journalists are faced with complex figures and statistics which need to be broken down before publications or broadcast. The workshop which is very necessary is equally timely following news surrounding the ongoing coronavirus pandemics as he said. Due to the current health crisis rocked by the COVID-19, the country Representative of UNWOMEN, Hind Jalal, addressed participants in a zoom display. In her key address, Hind Jalal emphasized on the benefits of this two day workshop. She said: “access and dissemination of Gender statistics by journalists and other communications specialists is a major challenge faced by many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. And to address this issue, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality (UNWOMEN) launched in 2019 the Making Every Women and Girls Count program. The objective of this program is to promote the production, analysis and dissemination of Gender data among populations and decision-makers in particular.” She underscored the fact that the global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has been deepening fast and therefore has put at the forefront researchers and policymakers who have been scrambling to collect and analyse data in order to grasp its impact on affected countries. “This urgent health crisis will have massive global social and economic impacts that will reverberate for years to come. The immediate need for gender data cannot be overemphasized. Tracking and responding to the effects of C19 for women and girls requires a robust supply of gender statistics and disaggregated data that are relevant, granular and timely…” She said. The close to 30 participants attending the training session were granted tips on how to find out data that can help them sell out their stories and impact on decision making; how to handle figures; how to break down the mystery around some statistics published in a scientific approach and later on submitted to a practical phase. Notwithstanding the quality of presentations and discussions made, some participants however challenged officials taking part at the workshop to accentuate collaborative means with media practitioners for increased productions on data.           Elise Kenimbeni

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 Three Year Special Youth Plan: Mounouna Foutsou launches REAMORCE Training

Three Year Special Youth Plan: Mounouna Foutsou launches REAMORCE Training

Youth affairs and civic education Minister, Mounouna Foutsou officially launched on June 17, 2020 in Yaounde, the national training workshop for leading trainers in moral, civic and entrepreneurial rearmament (REAMORCE). The training organized at the Yaounde-mimboman regional multipurpose youth empowerment centre aimed at upgrading the skills of young people beneficiaries of the Three Year Special Youth Plan (TYSYP). On a welcome note, Yvette Eyenga, the Head of the centre, hosting the event has praised the initiative and the choice of the venue for this decisive training. She said this workshop equally falls within the framework of stated missions of the ministry that has to follow up young people’s socio-economic reinsertion. In his presentation, the Director of the department of youth economic empowerment, Abdoul Karim Nassourou unveiled the agenda and contents of the long week training workshop. He said discussions and trainings shall focus mainly on socio-economic reinsertion and entrepreneurship skills. While chairing the ceremony, Minister Mounouna Foutsou as usual called on youths to integrate civic and patriotic behaviours as key fundamentals to success. And came back on the origins of the ongoing TYSYP. Minister Mounouna Foutsou said: “You must have now understood that moral, civic and entrepreneurial rearmament, abbreviated REAMORCE/TYSYP, is one of the major thrusts and the second phase of the recruitment of young people under the Three-year “Special-Youth” Plan, following their prior registration at the National Youth Observatory (NYO)” According to the minister of youth affairs and civic education, this rearmament phase, as its name suggests, is intended to cleanse and restore the morals and civic-mindedness of young Cameroonian citizens. It is a means to let them once again undergo a specific training to promote moral, civic and entrepreneurial values, in order to ensure that those young beneficiaries who have undergone this training have properly understood and integrated the attitudes, conduct and determination, or the fighting spirit that is necessary for them to succeed. Moreover, he said: “For, without the thirst to conquer and win, there is no success. In the words of an expert, we must stand up to the challenge and not be discouraged. If you were born poor, it’s not your fault, but if you die poor, it’s your fault. There is only one answer to failure; that is, victory. Youth entrepreneurship plays a key role as one of its strategic priorities namely, encourage young people to create jobs for themselves and their peers in the fields of agriculture, industry/crafts, the digital economy and technological innovation.” The officially launching ceremony ended on a note of satisfaction and expectations from the minister of youth affairs and civic education who underscored the need for fruitful and viable reflections during the training sessions.         Elise Kenimbeni

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 La CAMNAFAW Et Le Gouvernement Pour Un Retour À l’école Sans COVID-19

La CAMNAFAW Et Le Gouvernement Pour Un Retour À l’école Sans COVID-19

Le ministère des enseignements secondaires et la Cameroon National Association for Family Welfare (CAMNAFAW) s’engagent à travers un atelier à prévenir la propagation du Covid-19 dans l’optique de la reprise de l’école le 1er Juin 2020 au Cameroun. C’est une date très attendue par tout le pays après trois mois de lutte contre le Coronavirus. Une pandémie qui a imposé au Cameroun, comme dans d’autres pays, la prise de mesures exceptionnelles, parmi lesquelles la fermeture des écoles. Le gouvernement a néanmoins opté pour un assouplissement des mesures avec entre autre la reprise des cours pour les élèves en classe d’examen.  C’est dans ce contexte qu’a été organisé du 27 au 28 mai 2020 un atelier de renforcement des capacités des acteurs du Ministère des enseignements secondaires (MINESEC) sur la prévention du Covid-19 et le VIH/Sida en milieu scolaire. Les travaux ont eu pour cadre la salle des conférences de la Cellule d’appui à l’action pédagogique. Il s’est agit de préparer une reprise excellente des classes le 1er Juin 2020 dans le respect strict des mesures barrières anti-covid. Des mesures préventives ont été proposées et adoptées contre la pandémie de Covid 19 adaptées à l’environnement scolaire. La session de deux jours a été présidée par le Ministre des Enseignements Secondaires NALOVA LYONGA Pauline EGBE, en présence du Secrétaire Général du même département ministériel et de l’honorable EMAH ETOUNDI Vincent de Paul  qui est le Président Exécutif de la CAMNAFAW. Toutes ces personnalités ont convergé leurs regards autour du même enjeu à savoir bouter le Covid-19 hors des salles de classe et cours de récréation dans le cadre d’un retour à l’école sans risque au Cameroun.         Par Jean Patient Tsala

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 Christel Youbi, Newly Elected President of JCI Cameroon

Christel Youbi, Newly Elected President of JCI Cameroon

On Saturday April 11, 2020, the Elective General Assembly of the JCI Cameroon National Office 2020 was held under the leadership of the Steering Committee set up by World Headquarters. Election chaired by Jaycee LAYE MBUNKUR, recognized as Legal Representative of JCI Cameroon according to the decree N ° 00000187 / A / MINATD / SG / DAP / SDLP / SAC of December 06, 2016 which experienced crowning of the Jaycee CHRISTEL YOUBI as 2020 National President. She will be assisted in her task by the members of her Executive Board constituted as follows: – WETCHE YOUBI Christel Diane : National President; – KOUATCHA SIMO Flavien : Immediate Past President; – NZOYOUM Raoul : Chief Executive Assistance; – Boutchouang Nghomsi C.: National Executive Vice-President; – Adama Awa: Legal Advisor; – Talla Larissa: National Treasurer. Read the entire press release below:   PRESS RELEASE DIRCOM

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 COVID-19 : CAMASEJ Launches Donation of Equipments in the North West Region

COVID-19 : CAMASEJ Launches Donation of Equipments in the North West Region

The national bureau of the Cameroon Association of English speaking journalists (CAMASEJ) has donated anti COVID-19 kits to the North West  chapter of the association. Presenting them today May 8th 2020 during a CAMASEJ North West chapter meeting at Blue Pearl hotel in Bamenda, the national secretary general, Wanchia Cynthia and public relations officer, Jato Richard disclosed that the items were secured through a deal with Orange Cameroon. The duo also extended a congratulatory message from the national president, Viban Jude to the chapter for all its contribution to the growth of the profession. While reviewing the items, Ambe Macmillian, CAMASEJ North West chapter president appreciated the gesture that has to a great extent reawakened hope on members who were hitherto skeptical about the output of the national bureau. Present at the handing over ceremony was also Tayong Fah Elvis, the national adviser of CAMASEJ. Based on the membership of the North West chapter of the association, the items donated were 3 wash hand buckets, 3 litres of liquid soap, 70 face masks and 70 hand sanitisers. Members were called upon to put the items into proper use so that no one should fall prey to COVID-19.         Fongoh Ayeh (CAMASEJ North West region)

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 COVID-19 : Social Affairs’ Minister Strives for Massive Relocation of Street Children in Cameroon

COVID-19 : Social Affairs’ Minister Strives for Massive Relocation of Street Children in Cameroon

The Ministry of social affairs has withdrawn about 82 children from the streets of the Cameroonian capital, Yaounde.   The move is part of a pilot operation launched on April 1, 2020 and aimed at relocating the children to the Listening and Transit Center of Yaounde, where they would enjoy a minimum daily care and support package. In the course of this voluntary withdrawal, the children are being screened on the spot before been transported. On the various relocation sites, medical care are offered by teams mobilized by the ministry of public health. During her tour of the transit centers in Yaounde, Social affairs’ Minister, Pauline Irène Nguene took time to interact with the children that have been relocated to the facilities this morning. She came in as a mother to grant them more advice, support and show them the good sides of their resettlement in a more conducive and appropriate site. For a track record and smooth run of this operation, Minister Pauline Irène Nguene, equally paid a working visit to the video surveillance unit of the police in Yaounde. According to information gotten from the ministry of social affairs, these children will be inserted in many social and recreational programmes. They will have to take active part in educational talks, individual or group interviews. They will be able to eat, refresh themselves, and receive care and moreover there will be follow-ups with regards to their detoxification as most are drugs addicts. Planned for a 3 month period in the various centers of Yaounde I, II, IV and V, these activities will unfold gradually and according to the evolution of children’s behaviour. The children will be taken off the streets and will be re-socialized through four possibilities being: a return to the family, placement in a workshop initiation to trade, educational placement for those who meet the conditions and placement in a rehabilitation center for minors. This activity will initially be extended to the cities of Douala and Bafoussam in the days ahead. In view of the complex and transversal nature of the fight against the phenomenon of street children, the operation benefits from the support of institutional partners such as the ministry of public health, national employment fund, local councils and most especially the Delegation for national surety. Bracing up the challenges at this moment of COVID-19 is one of the major preoccupations of the ministry of social affairs who intends to pursue government’s fight against this pandemic disease in its own way.       Elise Kenimbeni  

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 Cameroon : Youth Affairs’ Minister Ushers Campaign Teams In COVID-19 Field Sensitization

Cameroon : Youth Affairs’ Minister Ushers Campaign Teams In COVID-19 Field Sensitization

Preaching by the good example as Head of the ministry of youth affairs and civic education, Mounouna Foutsou, laid grounds for the nationwide civic education campaign against the pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19). The field sensitization launched officially on March 25, 2020 by Minister Mounouna Foutsou took place in three phases. The first phase and stop-over was at the simbock chieftaincy and Mendong  Market in the Yaounde VI subdivision. The second phase took place at the Tsinga market in the Yaounde II subdivision and the third and last lap was at the Etoudi market in Yaounde I. At the start of his field trip, the Minister in a simple note advised people to strictly follow the 13 measures of government to fight against the COVID-19. He said : « I’m here  to let you know that Coronavirus is a reality. The Head of state, H.E Paul Biya is asking you  to respect the measures edicted by the government. Only civic respect can help us move out of this pandemic situation. Do it for you, for your relatives and for Cameroon ». Alongside youth affairs’ and civic education minister, some heads of health districts were associated to the move. For instance, Dr Lucien Mama, head of the Cité verte health district, on his part exchanged with the mob. He called on the population to respect basic hygiene rules, saying failure to do so, is an open way to the virus. The same messages were transmitted to people encountered in the different laps of this civic education campaign. Mounouna Foutsou said : « If we don’t do anything to fight back this virus, we shall all disappear and no one wishes it.». In a sad note, he outlined the fact that Cameroon is today mourning one of its outstanding son and artist  musician, Manu Dibango due to COVID-19. He said everybody is deeply touched by this lost. « Dear brothers and sisters, you are not used to see me here at the Etoudi market. If I’m here, it’s simply to tell you that this pandemic is a reality. No more jokes ! » He added. Urban and rural mobile mass animation teams (EMAPUR) and community mediators who are at the heart of this campaign, have been instructed by Mounouna Foutsou to inform the population about the 13 measures laid down by the government. They have to show them the various hygiene methods to scrupulously follow to kick-out coronavirus. The Minister granted to each group of EMAPUR and community mediators a set of kits composed of hydro-alcoholic solutions for disinfection, loudspeakers to address the public and a circular that contains the 13 edicted measures of government. To ease communication with people in the ongoing sensitization campaign against COVID-19, humorist, known as Kegue Kegue International was engaged in the course.       Elise Kenimbeni

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COVID-19 Cripples CPDM Party’s 35th Anniversary in Cameroon

Ruling party, the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement clocks 35 today March 24,2020. Contrary to usual political rallies and meetings organized all over the national terrirory, the 35th anniversary is been observed under total confinement. All militants, supporters and sympathizers of the CPDM have been urged to celebrate their 35th anniversary at home. In a release signed last March 19, the Secretary General of the CPDM has called on his comrades to show proof of respect and responsibility, following the current health situation. All heads of CPDM sections have been summoned to cancel gatherings and all celebrations prepared fo this occasion. The release is in line with government’s measures to combat the pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM), was previously known as the Cameroonian National Union, which had dominated Cameroon politics since independence in 1960. It was renamed in 1985  which marks its official creation. CPDM’s national chairman is Paul Biya, the Head of state in Cameroon.       TimesNews2

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