Regional Pedagogic inspectors in charge of orientation and school life have been gathered in Yaounde, Cameroon for a three-day technical workshop.

Close to 20 participants from the Center region were gathered in Yaounde, Cameroon as part of a three-day workshop that kicked-off on March 28, 2022.
The training workshop that took place from the 28th to the 30th March 2022 enters within the framework of the project dubbed AVENIR, an initiative of Plan international Cameroon.
Speaking on behalf of Plan International Cameroon, Project Coordinator, Diane Sidoine Kamgain stated out the raison d’être of the workshop which is a continuous move of the numerous projects undertaken by the international organization.

“Plan International is an organization that promotes equal rights of children and young girls in particular. We have launched this workshop in order to upgrade the skills of regional pedagogic inspectors as there will be in the days ahead, impactful school projects that will be submitted to them. And to better appreciate such projects, they have to acquire necessary tools and tips on scrutinizing and evaluation of projects. This initiative of Plan International that aims at changing mentalities in the school milieu also acts as an advocacy move, as we work closely with decentralized services of the state for concrete results…”
As underscored by Gisele Bekolo, Regional Pedagogic inspector in charge of social life in the Center, the school project is an initiative that emanates from the vision of heads of schools. She added the fact that, each principal has the ability to think on the vision that he or she wishes to reflect on his school within a given period.

“One of the main problems we have on the field is that, Heads of schools are faced with the issue of conceiving a project for their schools and this workshop is an opportunity that will help to build and upgrade the skills of the various targets…” Gisele Bekolo said.
Whuseni Patouse, regional pedagogic inspector in charge of school life in the Center, participant at the workshop acknowledged the fact that the gathering was added value to their professional activities.

He said: “This training is going to help us to do the follow up. When we validate a school project within the academic year because school projects are been elaborated with the interval of three to five years, so when we validate the upcoming academic year we have to do what we call the evaluations. And at the end of this seminar, we will be really empowered…”
Financed by the French Development Agency, AFD, the project known as AVENIR, coordinated by Plan International Cameroon, lays emphasis on quality inclusive education for a sustainable socio-economic empowerment of children and vulnerable young people notably girls and young women.
Elise Kenimbeni