Close to 30 participants from various organizations, and administrative units were convened by the ministry of social affairs in a one day technical workshop held on July 28, 2021 in Yaounde, Cameroon.


During the meeting chaired by Minister Pauline Irène Nguene, the scope of activities assigned to the national brigade for the social compliance of projects were reviewed as well as the draft of the Reference Framework for the social compliance of projects, which was presented to the audience.


 The draft of the Reference Framework for the social compliance of projects which was presented as a practical guide to be used by promoters, project owners, controllers and other actors involved in this chain is centered on three main components. National controllers of the brigade in charge of its facilitation on the field highlighted key points to be taken into account by all actors who are implicated in heavy and structuring projects in Cameroon.


As indicated, the State has the right to protect its citizens and more over those who might be or are affected by vast projects undertaken on sites where populations are found. The fact that many projects are carried-out on major sites and affect communities is a worry to the government. Despite the interests generated from these construction works the government is conscious of the impacts most of the times felt by populations living around the sites.


Government has put in place many incentives to first protect its people through its social justice policy and normative instruments as underscored by social affairs’ patroness.

The creation of the national brigade for the social compliance of projects which is the watchdog of the government is a clear indication of a follow up of activities carried-out by different organizations on the field. Yet, through-out the new draft presented by the national brigade, responsibilities on social protection have been stated-out clearly and strategic points such as displacement, resettlement of populations, compensation and benefits were equally unveiled.


In her key note address, Minister Pauline Irène Nguene said this workshop aimed at building capacities of actors involved in the social compliance of projects enables to share Cameroon’s strategic vision as concerns the integration of the social dimension of projects and to mobilize the national and international community around this concept.


She said: “the ministry of social affairs through its national brigade for the social compliance of projects intends to continue with the sensitization process that has already begun, develop technical tools relating to social compliance of projects, and advocate for the improvement of the related legal framework, in a bid to reduce or even eradicate the social tensions generated by the implementation of projects.”

For recall, the national brigade for the social compliance of projects was created by presidential decree on July 18, 2017 under the banner of the ministry of social affairs.

 The national brigade is responsible for: drafting and monitoring the implementation of the reference framework for the management of social dimension of projects; drafting and monitoring indicators for preliminary social assessment and social impact studies; monitoring and evaluating social and economic support plans for major structuring projects; monitoring and evaluating social and economic support plans for local populations; monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the protection plans for vulnerable indigenous peoples affected by projects; monitoring the application of national regulations and international standards in force as concerns management of the social impacts of projects; monitoring compliance with the social provisions in the specifications by project promoters and owners.



The national brigade for the social compliance of projects has since its creation focused its activities essentially on sensitization of various actors involved in the chain. From April to May 2021, the brigade carried-out in all ten regions of the country series of sensitizations with all stakeholders concerned by developing projects.


Elise Kenimbeni

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